All functions |
VariantAnnotation |
Check if the tools_bcftools option is set |
Check if the tools_plink option is set |
Create LD reference sqlite database for tags |
Create pval index from GWAS-VCF file |
Create RSID index from VCF |
Create new index from existing index using a subset of rsids |
Create GWAS vcf |
Find LD proxies for a set of SNPs |
Create a SummarySet |
Merge two GWAS VCF objects |
Parse chromosome:position |
Extract SNPs from vcf file |
Query chromosome and position using bcftools |
Query vcf file, extracting by chromosome and position |
Query chrompos from vcf object |
Query data from vcf file |
Query p-value using bcftools |
Query pval from vcf file |
Query pval from file using pvali index |
Query based on p-value threshold from vcf |
Query pvali |
Query |
Query vcf file, extracting by rsid |
Query rsid from file using rsidx index |
Query rsid from vcf object |
Query rsidx |
Set bcftools binary location |
Set plink binary location |
Lookup LD proxies from sqlite database |
Convert vcf format to granges format |
Convert vcf format to tibble (data frame) |
Reduce list of VCFs to intersecting regions |