pqtl_list(flag = c("exposures", "outcomes"), mode = c("table", "raw"))



(Optional) A flag which indicates whether the list of exposures (if "exposures") or outcomes (if "outcomes") should be returned. The DEFAULT is "exposures".


If mode = "table", returns a data frame (a tibble as per tidyverse convention). If mode = "raw", returns a raw response from EpiGraphDB API with minimal parsing done by httr.


Data from GET /pqtl/list/


# Returns a list of available proteins (exposures)
# \dontrun{
#> # A tibble: 989 × 1
#>    expID   
#>    <chr>   
#>  1 A1CF    
#>  2 ACP1    
#>  3 ACP2    
#>  4 ACP5    
#>  5 ADA2    
#>  6 ADAM15  
#>  7 ADAM23  
#>  8 ADAMTS13
#>  9 ADAMTS5 
#> 10 ADGRE2  
#> # … with 979 more rows
# }

# Returns a list of available traits (outcomes)
# \dontrun{
pqtl_list(flag = "outcomes")
#> # A tibble: 225 × 1
#>    outID                                                                  
#>    <chr>                                                                  
#>  1 Cancer code  self-reported: basal cell carcinoma                       
#>  2 Cancer code  self-reported: malignant melanoma                         
#>  3 Cancer code  self-reported: small intestine or small bowel cancer      
#>  4 Breast cancer (Combined Oncoarray; iCOGS; GWAS meta analysis)          
#>  5 Serum creatinine (eGFRcrea)                                            
#>  6 Serum cystatin C (eGFRcys)                                             
#>  7 Eye problems or disorders: Cataract                                    
#>  8 Eye problems or disorders: Diabetes related eye disease                
#>  9 Eye problems or disorders: Glaucoma                                    
#> 10 Eye problems or disorders: Injury or trauma resulting in loss of vision
#> # … with 215 more rows
# }