  full_data = TRUE,
  limit = 10,
  offset = 0,
  mode = c("table", "raw")



Name of a meta node (e.g. Gwas). Use meta_nodes_list to get the full list of meta nodes.


When False, only return the id and name fields (their specific names differ in specific nodes) for a node. This is useful if you want your queries to return results faster with smaller amount of data requested.


Max number of items to retrieve.


Number of items to skip. Use limit and offset in combination to do pagination.


If mode = "table", returns a data frame (a tibble as per tidyverse convention). If mode = "raw", returns a raw response from EpiGraphDB API with minimal parsing done by httr.


Data from GET /meta/nodes/{meta_node}/list


# List the first 5 Gwas nodes, with only id and name fields
# \dontrun{
meta_nodes_list_node(meta_node = "Gwas", full_data = FALSE, limit = 5)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   id       name                                 
#>   <chr>    <chr>                                
#> 1 ieu-b-43 frontotemporal dementia (TDP subtype)
#> 2 ieu-b-40 body mass index                      
#> 3 ieu-b-39 diastolic blood pressure             
#> 4 ieu-b-38 systolic blood pressure              
#> 5 ieu-b-35 C-Reactive protein level             
# }

# List the 6th - 10th Disease nodes, with full properties
# \dontrun{
meta_nodes_list_node(meta_node = "Disease", full_data = TRUE, limit = 5, offset = 0)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 11
#>   n._name  n.doid  n.definition   n._source   n.label n._id  n.icd9 n.icd10
#>   <chr>    <list>  <chr>          <list>    <chr>  <chr>   <chr>  <list> <list> 
#> 1 cervica… <chr [… A primary or … <chr [1]> http:… cervic… http:… <chr <chr [
#> 2 Alkhurm… <chr [… A disease cau… <chr [1]> http:… Alkhur… http:… <NULL> <NULL> 
#> 3 maligna… <chr [… A melanoma th… <chr [1]> http:… malign… http:… <NULL> <NULL> 
#> 4 stomach… <chr [… A pathologica… <chr [1]> http:… stomac… http:… <NULL> <NULL> 
#> 5 Abnorma… <NULL>  A structural … <chr [1]> http:… Abnorm… http:… <NULL> <NULL> 
#> # … with 2 more variables: n.umls <list>, n.mesh <list>
# }