Allows you to read in summary data from text files to format the multivariable exposure dataset.
sep = " ",
phenotype_col = "Phenotype",
snp_col = "SNP",
beta_col = "beta",
se_col = "se",
eaf_col = "eaf",
effect_allele_col = "effect_allele",
other_allele_col = "other_allele",
pval_col = "pval",
units_col = "units",
ncase_col = "ncase",
ncontrol_col = "ncontrol",
samplesize_col = "samplesize",
gene_col = "gene",
id_col = "id",
min_pval = 1e-200,
log_pval = FALSE,
pval_threshold = 5e-08,
plink_bin = NULL,
bfile = NULL,
clump_r2 = 0.001,
clump_kb = 10000,
pop = "EUR",
harmonise_strictness = 2
- filenames_exposure
Filenames for each exposure dataset. Must have header with at least SNP column present. Following arguments are used for determining how to read the filename and clumping etc.
- sep
Specify delimiter in file. The default is space, i.e.
sep=" "
. If length is 1 it will use the samesep
value for each exposure dataset. You can provide a vector of values, one for each exposure dataset, if the values are different across datasets. The same applies to all dataset-formatting options listed below.- phenotype_col
Optional column name for the column with phenotype name corresponding the the SNP. If not present then will be created with the value
. Default is"Phenotype"
.- snp_col
Required name of column with SNP rs IDs. The default is
.- beta_col
Required for MR. Name of column with effect sizes. The default is
.- se_col
Required for MR. Name of column with standard errors. The default is
.- eaf_col
Required for MR. Name of column with effect allele frequency. The default is
.- effect_allele_col
Required for MR. Name of column with effect allele. Must be "A", "C", "T" or "G". The default is
.- other_allele_col
Required for MR. Name of column with non effect allele. Must be "A", "C", "T" or "G". The default is
.- pval_col
Required for enrichment tests. Name of column with p-value. The default is
.- units_col
Optional column name for units. The default is
.- ncase_col
Optional column name for number of cases. The default is
.- ncontrol_col
Optional column name for number of controls. The default is
.- samplesize_col
Optional column name for sample size. The default is
.- gene_col
Optional column name for gene name. The default is
.- id_col
Optional column name to give the dataset an ID. Will be generated automatically if not provided for every trait / unit combination. The default is
.- min_pval
Minimum allowed p-value. The default is
.- log_pval
The pval is -log10(P). The default is
.- pval_threshold
for clumping- plink_bin
is notNULL
then will detect packaged plink binary for specific OS. Otherwise specify path to plink binary. Default =NULL
- bfile
If this is provided then will use the API. Default =
- clump_r2
for clumping- clump_kb
for clumping- pop
Which 1000 genomes super population to use for clumping when using the server
- harmonise_strictness
See action argument in
. Default=2