

The outcome is Y = X + U + X*U + E where X is a genotype, U is a continuous modifier and X*U is the interaction effect


The script below will simulate the data and requires qctool on the PATH.

Rscript test/data/example.R

Alternatively the data are provided in test/data.


Test for the effect of the SNP on the variance of the outcome

./varGWAS \
-v test/data/example.csv \
-s , \
-o test/data/example.txt \
-b test/data/example.bgen \
-p Y \
-i S


The effect of the SNP on outcome variance is non-linear so the genotype is treated as a dummy variable in the second-stage regression. This means there are two effects of the SNP-var(Y) relationship for each level of the genotype.

chr pos rsid oa ea n eaf beta se t p theta phi_x1 se_x1 phi_x2 se_x2 phi_f phi_p
01 1 RSID_1 G A 10000 0.39485 -0.000127464 0.0144545 -0.00881832 0.992964 -0.00143247 0.489362 0.0267757 1.85565 0.095883 667.129 1.09461e-272
  • chr, pos, rsid, oa (non-effect allele) and ea (effect allele) describe the variant
  • n and eaf are the total sample size and effect allele frequency included in the model
  • beta, se, t and p describe the effect of the SNP on the mean of the outcome
  • theta is the effect of the SNP on the median of the outcome
  • phi_x1 and phi_x2 is the average change in variance from SNP=0 to SNP=1 and SNP=2. se_x1 and se_x2 are the standard errors of these statistics.
  • phi_f and phi_p are the F-statistic and P-value for the effect of the SNP on outcome variance

The trait was standardised (see test/data/example.R) so the units are sigma^2, SNP=1 was associated with an increase of 0.489 and 1.856 for SNP=2.