<full description>
clump_gwasvcf( vcf, clump_kb = 1000, clump_r2 = 0.001, clump_p = 5e-08, pop = NULL, bfile = NULL, plink_bin = NULL, access_token = NULL )
vcf | VCF file or VCF object |
clump_kb | Clumping kb window. Default is very strict, 10000 |
clump_r2 | Clumping r2 threshold. Default is very strict, 0.001 |
clump_p | Clumping sig level for index variants. Default = 1 (i.e. no threshold) |
pop | Super-population to use as reference panel. Default = "EUR". Options are EUR, SAS, EAS, AFR, AMR. 'legacy' also available - which is a previously used verison of the EUR panel with a slightly different set of markers |
bfile | If this is provided then will use the API. Default = NULL |
plink_bin | If null and bfile is not null then will detect packaged plink binary for specific OS. Otherwise specify path to plink binary. Default = NULL |
access_token | Google OAuth2 access token. Used to authenticate level of access to data |
data frame of clumped results