Get list of download URLs each file (.vcf.gz, .vcf.gz.tbi, _report.html) associated with the dataset. The URLs will expire in 2 hours. If a dataset is missing from the results, that means the dataset doesn't exist or you don't have access to it. If a dataset is in the results but some/all links are missing, that means the files are unavailable.
Get list of download URLs each file (.vcf.gz, .vcf.gz.tbi, _report.html) associated with the dataset. The URLs will expire in 2 hours. If a dataset is missing from the results, that means the dataset doesn't exist or you don't have access to it. If a dataset is in the results but some/all links are missing, that means the files are unavailable.
gwasinfo_files(id, opengwas_jwt = get_opengwas_jwt())